The Department of Physics offers a comprehensive BSc Physics Model 1 program, with Mathematics and Electronics complementary courses to foster academic growth. BSc Physics Model 1 program also integrates common courses in English and Malayalam/Hindi. While entering into the final year as a student one would get the opportunity to attain knowledge in another discipline as Open Course. Our department offers Spanning three years across six semesters, our curriculum strategically balances common and complementary courses during the initial two years, ensuring a strong foundation in fundamental principles. As students’ progress, the final year presents an opportunity for specialized study, with elective courses available in dynamic fields such as polymer chemistry. Additionally, students benefit from immersive Internship training experiences within esteemed government institutions, providing invaluable hands-on exposure to real-world applications of chemical principles. In our commitment to holistic education, the department extends beyond the confines of traditional academia to offer value-added programs and certificate courses across multiple disciplines. These initiatives aim to equip our students with interdisciplinary skills and enhance their competitiveness in today’s dynamic job market.