Established in 1981 alongside KG College’s founding, the Department of Languages has been a powerful provider of essential communication skills to undergraduate students. Offering compulsory English along with optional languages like Malayalam and Hindi, the department ensures a diverse linguistic experience for students. Moreover, faculty members actively engage students in various competitions nationwide, enriching their academic journey beyond the standard curriculum.


The Department of Languages at KG College envisions a dynamic academic environment where students cultivate strong communication skills, engage with diverse linguistic and cultural perspectives and become proficient in understanding contemporary discourse. We aim to be a centre of scholarly excellence, inspiring students to explore the magical world of  languages and literature while nurturing their creative and analytical talents.


Our mission is to provide an intellectually engaging and supportive academic milieu through exemplary teaching, learning, and service. We are committed to challenging students to think critically, communicate effectively, and excel in their chosen fields of study.Acknowledging the importance of multilingualism and cultural understanding, we strive to offer educational experiences and mentorship of the highest quality, ensuring outstanding scholarship and embracing academic freedom, diversity, and a global perspective in all our steps.