The Department of Chemistry stands as the pioneering science program within our college, inaugurating its academic journey in 1993. Rooted in excellence, our department proudly offers an undergraduate program in Chemistry (Model I), designed to nurture the intellectual growth and scientific curiosity of our students. In line with our commitment to holistic education, we formerly hosted a UGC-sponsored add-on course in Beauty Therapy until 2020, enriching our academic offerings with practical and interdisciplinary perspectives. Our infrastructure, laboratory facilities, and extensive library resources are meticulously curated to cater to the diverse needs of our student body, ensuring a conducive environment for learning and exploration. The hallmark of our department lies in our consistent academic achievements, with a commendable track record of securing 100% results in multiple years. Furthermore, our students have consistently ranked among the top 10 performers at the university level, a testament to their diligence and the quality of education imparted by our faculty. We uphold a dynamic approach to education, emphasizing practical learning experiences through extension programs, outreach initiatives, hands-on training, industry visits, and collaborative project work in esteemed laboratories. Encouraging a well-rounded development, we actively foster the sports and cultural talents of our students, facilitating their participation and representation at both university and state-level events. Recognizing the importance of exposure and experiential learning, we conscientiously guide our students towards opportunities such as Summer Research Projects and Fellowships at renowned institutions like NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram, and IISER, Mohali. Our faculty, comprising seasoned professionals with a wealth of experience and expertise, remain dedicated to continually updating their knowledge and engaging in cutting-edge research endeavours, often presenting their findings through seminars and publications. Strengthened by a robust Alumni forum and a vibrant chemistry association, we cherish a strong sense of community and collaboration within our department. Looking ahead, we are committed to fostering academic excellence and innovation by organizing various national and international seminars, leveraging the expertise of eminent resource persons to enrich the scholarly discourse within our academic community.


  • To Foster Success of Students by Leading to the Core of Science.
  • Mentoring and Guiding Students to a Desirable Personality
  • Integrating a Society of Proficient Scientific Researchers


Creating a Better Future by Educating the Students to their Full Potential